Friday 13 April 2018

Why I Dont Do TBR'S!


I was just wanting to do too have a little chat about why I generally don't do TBR's. There are a few reasons why I don't do them and It is in no way saying that they don't work or are a bad idea because they are not just different things work for different people.

One of the reasons I don't have a TBR list is because, I find that often I would make one and feel I have a good selection of books that I am interested in, but I might finish a book and feel like I want to read a completely different genre, then the books I have selected or I don't feel so interested in reading the books on my list and feel like reading something else. Which often does happen if I like it or not.

Another reason is, If I don't read all the books on my TBR list then I have this feeling of guilt or that I have let myself down. Which I haven't If I have chosen something else to read just means my taste at the time has changed or I am more interested in another book at that particular time, which is obviously fine.

There is also the added pressure of getting through and reading all the books you do say you are going to read in that period of time. Which is not always doable, as life does sometimes tend to get in the way or you may not feel like reading and forcing yourself to is even worse than just admitting that your just not feeling it. Sometimes it can be a case of just feeling the book or books you thought you'd enjoy or want to read, but feel that you have to finish it as it on your list too. Which just puts you off reading altogether. Your best of switching books or just taking a break when that happens.

So those are the reasons why I don't hardly make TBR lists anymore.

Please feel free to share your reasons why you make them or why you don't in the comments

Until Next Time 
Happy Reading 
Stacey the Bookworm 

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